Olive Branch Optimism
what a wonderful world...
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
The fate of Iraqi Women
The future of Iraqi women is a debate that I wish to be involved in. I have met some amazing Iraqi women, and read some astonishing stories of struggle, determination and victory despite the awful conditions that were brought about by years of warfare under Saddam's Regime, and now I have a medium through which to have my writings on this issue made public. My University has a newspaper to which Journalist students like myself contribute.

I am looking for sources within Iraq, experts on Muslim doctrine, someone who can interperet Arabic writings for me, and any other kinds of information about Iraqi women that one could fire at me.

For the regular readers of my blog, you may find this inspiring, please do not hesitate to write stories about the future of Iraqi women and the Iraqi constitution on your own blogs, do your own research and pass the information on to me aswell.

With good knowledge and good communication, we can overcome any problem that may be faced by the Iraqi people, that would have been over-looked by the international community if it were not for our blogs.

Please help me out on this one, you can email ANYTHING AT ALL to me at lukey@iinet.net.au
