Olive Branch Optimism
what a wonderful world...
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Another Jill Caroll video released.
JILL CAROLL VIDEO #2 [a response to the strong global support for Jill???]


The video they again call for the release of all female prisoners in Iraq just two days after the release of 5 women (and 414 men).


The question is, with these video's and the huge response from across the globe- will the US release the prisoners or is George Bush going to step in and say "We don't negotiate with terrorists"?

I still find it scary that out of a detainee population of 10's of thousands only 11 (or was it 9) were women.

I pray again Jill Caroll survives tonight and is released tommorow or soon after. Whoever is holding her knows it would be the wrong thing to execute her and from what I understand there was no threat of execution on the table this time.

This was an aired plea by Jill asking the US to release these female prisoners, and truthfully I would think she is not the only victim this group is holding. The words "hope for the families" can be heard at one stage in the tape (Jill's voice), and I think it is possible she is concerned for others who are not being aired on TV. (media wouldn't respond to threats on the life of an Iraqi)

Her release would be a step in the right direction for anyone this previously unknown group holds, from what I understand she would be the kind likely to seek their safe return to their families- not just run straight back to hers and never return.

Jill loves Iraq and Iraqi's - I'm sure this experience will change things a little but she will remain the same. She won't give up if someone else was being held with her- she will want to help them. So I pray for the sake of Jill and anyone else being held captive in Iraq right now the US military//Iraqi administration does the best it can to have these female prisoners checked and released as soon as possible.

Those it refuses to release should have their crimes exposed through the media and the proof published for all kidnappers (and would-be kidnappers)to see. Then we need to find out what these kidnappers want and why they went to such extreme measures.

Please read this prayer I wrote previously,
you have my permission to reproduce it if it strikes a chord with you..

A Prayer for Jill Caroll

I know that you are captive
and your veins are full of fear.
Let us make sure you know,
you will be safe; you will survive .

Prayers fill up your mind and heart,
with the strength of millions in you.
The world awaiting your now famous face,
and those who love you pray.

Please lord, god, allah and buddah,
Who ever can truely hear me:

Help Jill Caroll survive tonight; survive tommorow,
and return home to her family.

Written 23/1/06 edited 31/1/06
By Luke(y) Skinner
Peace+Prayers for Jill & her family/friends my heart goes out to you.
Blogger Omar Fekeiki said...
hey there,
thanks for supporting Jill. she will be very happy when she is released, hopefully soon, and reads all what we wrote about her. and by the way, the U.S. army already said they won't give up to the kidnappers.
"We will not make concessions to terrorist demands," U.S. military spokesman in Iraq Lieutenant Colonel Barry Johnson told Reuters.

but lets hope they will realize that Jill is not what the U.S. adminstration is for and that she is totally different.
PS: you are already in my favorites, buut can i link to your blog in mine?

Blogger Bassam Sebti said...
I have a strong feeling that she is going to be released or freed. The most important thing is she is still alive. Although, watching her weeping broke my heart but it gives me a strong feeling that she is ALIVE. I’ll continue praying for her and will never lose hope.